25 ago 2015

Fue arrestado por conducir ebrio el Cardenal William J. Levada Núñez

El eminentísimo señor Cardenal y otrorar papable William Joseph Levada Núñez, oficial en retiro del Vaticano, fue arrestado la semana pasada por manejar bajo la influencia del alcohol en sus vacaciones en la isla de Hawai con algunos amigos sacerdotes. “Lamento mi error de juicio. Voy a seguir cooperando plenamente con las autoridades”, dijo el Cardenal en una declaración del 24 de agosto dada a conocer por la arquidiócesis de San Francisco, EU donde actualmente  reside.
Mons. Levada no es cualquier Cardenal, fue quien le aplicó medidas severas a Los Legionarios de Cristo, en particular a Marcial Maciel Degollado.
 El Hawaii Tribune -Herald (#) informa que el Purpurado de 79 años de edad fue detenido en un control la noche del jueves pasado en la zona de Kailua-Kona, luego de que una mujer policía viera que el auto -un Nissan Altima 2015-  en el que iba el Cardenal se desviara mientras iba por la carretera Queen Kaahumanu.
 El Purpurado fue liberado luego de pagar una fianza de 500 dólares y ahora deberá comparecer ante una corte el 24 de septiembre.
Nada del otro mundo

Por cierto, hace unos días -finales de julio- el señor cardenal estuvo en México.., no a la ciudad sino a Izamal., se dice -El diario de Yucfatán- que su arribo fue sigiloso, “a pesar de que fue escoltado por elementos del Estado Mayor Presidencial y de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Estado (de Yucatán)“
“Debido a la extrema vigilancia, la llegada del cardenal a Izamal fue confundida con el arribo de algún político prominente“, dice la nota..
El cardenal disfrutó de la comida regional en el restauran Kinich-Kakmó, donde comió platillos de venado almendrado, sopa de lima, empanadas de chaya y frijoles refritos.También degustó la bebida xtabentún.
En breve entrevista, el cardenal dijo: “Vengo por dos motivos importantes”.
—Uno es saludar a Emilio Carlos Berlie Belaunzarán (desde hoy arzobispo emérito), ya que finaliza 20 años de labor en Yucatán.
—La segunda razón es por la llegada de Gustavo Rodríguez Vega, quien desde mañana (por hoy) será nuevo Arzobispo de Yucatán.
 William Levada fue el Prefecto de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe entre mayo de 2005 y julio de 2012, durante el pontificado de Benedicto XVI; fue quien le aplicó medidas severas a Los Legionarios de Cristo.
Llegó a Roma, e 13 de mayo de 20015; un año después Marcial Maciel Degollado fue invitado por dicha Congregación al retiro sacerdotal, fue suspendido Ad divinis para ejercer públicamente su cargo ministerial.
Datos del  sr. Cardenal
Es originario de Long Beach, California, donde nació el 15 de junio de 1936; hijo de Joseph Levada y Lorraine Núñez,ambos de Concord, California; su madre era descendiente de mexicanos.
De sus primeros años de formación se ocuparon los colegios religiosos de St.Anthonyde Long Beach y St. Mary en Houston, Texas.
Después de su graduación en 1958 del Seminario San Juan Camarillo en California, inició sus estudios de teología en la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma, donde en 1962 recibió la licenciatura en Teología, justo un año después de ser ordenado sacerdote (20 de diciembre de 1961); su tesis fue premiada con las máximas calificaciones, magna con laude, años más tarde (1967- 1971) regreso a su alma mater para obtener un doctorado, tiempo que fungió como profesor. 
En ese tiempo (sesentas) fue director de la Formación Continua del Clero en La diócesis de Los Ángeles; en 1976, por recomendación de la Conferencia Nacional de Obispos fue asignado para el trabajo con la Congregación que le toca hoy presidir.
En 1980 Juan Pablo II le otorga el título honorario de Capellán de Su Santidad.
En 1982, fue nombrado director ejecutivo de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de California, y en 1983 obispo auxiliar de Los Ángeles; en julio de 1986 arzobispo de Portland, Oregon, y el 17 de agosto de 1995 es nombrado arzobispo coadjutor de San Francisco, cinco meses después es el titular de la misma.
Fue el único obispo estadounidense que participó en la Comisión Editorial que entre 1986 y 1993 redactó el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica.
Si pudiera vincularse a algún partido sería Republicano-Conservador, ya que es un decidido opositor del aborto y al "matrimonio entre homosexuales". En 2004 impulso el principio - después se retiro- de negar la comunión a los políticos católicos que defienden el derecho al aborto y está en contra de otorgar derechos a los homosexuales. Incluso formó parte del grupo de obispos que trabajaron para refrendar el triunfo del presidente George W. Bush. Jr.
Antes, en 1992, cuando era arzobispo de Portland instó a los católicos a que votaran contra una propuesta de derechos para los homosexuales.
Sin embargo, y a pesar de su conservadurismo, Levada fue considerado un defensor de la injusticia social, concretamente de los derechos de los trabajadores y la pobreza..
Se consideró en el papado de Bendicto XVI como uno de los hombres más influyentes en el Vaticano.
Catholic cardinal arrested for DUI
Published August 24, 2015 - 3:56pm
By JOHN BURNETT Hawaii Tribune-Herald
One of the high-ranking American officials of the Roman Catholic Church was arrested for drunken driving late last week in Kailua-Kona.
The Most Eminent Cardinal William Joseph Levada, 79, of Menlo Park, Calif., was stopped at about midnight Thursday on Hina Lani Street and charged with DUI, according to the police arrest log. He was released from police custody after posting $500 bail about an hour later.
“I regret my error in judgment. I intend to continue fully cooperating with the authorities,” Levada said in an email statement issued Monday by the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
Levada, the former Archbishop of San Francisco, was appointed as a cardinal, a prince of the church, on May 13, 2005, by Pope Benedict XVI, just weeks after his election as pontiff. He was the first U.S. prelate to lead the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican’s powerful guardian of doctrine. He now holds the title of Prefect Emeritus of the Conclave of the Faith since his retirement as prefect in July 2012. He also was a member of the conclave that elected Pope Francis in March 2013.
Levada drew fire in 2013 after coming to the defense of Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony, who was stripped of his public duties over his handling of the priest sex abuse crisis in the church, but still allowed to select a new pope, saying some priest abuse victims groups who have criticized Mahony may never be satisfied with the church’s response to the crisis.
“There are some victims groups for whom enough is never enough, so we have to do our jobs as best we see it,” Levada said at the time, according to Associated Press. “He has apologized for errors in judgment that were made. I believe he should be at the conclave.”
Levada was on vacation with priest friends when the DUI arrest occurred, according to archdiocese spokesman Michael Brown.
He has a court date of Sept. 24 in Kona District Court.
“He’s required to appear at court,” said Sgt. Robert Pauole, who heads the police Traffic Services Section.
A police spokeswoman said in a Monday email Levada was pulled over after a Kona Patrol officer saw him swerve while driving northbound on Queen Kaahumanu Highway north of Kealakehe Parkway.
Levada was driving a 2015 Nissan Altima and was alone in the car at the time, the spokeswoman said. She could not say who the car is registered to or if the car was towed. She also declined to give Levada’s blood-alcohol content, but a 0.08 blood-alcohol level is the threshold for legal intoxication in Hawaii.
Pauole said Levada, who likely has a California driver’s license, would have had his license taken by the arresting officer, but the license would not have been suspended.
“The officer should have given him a four-page document,” Pauole said. “That four-page document is his temporary license for 30 days. He was also supposed to be given a document that would tell him how to contest (the Administrative Driver’s License Revocation Office case) it, in the meantime, in the ADLRO office.
Asked if the car would have been impounded, Pauole replied, “That depends on the circumstances.”
“Sometimes officers will impound it based on the Aliyah law,” Pauole continued, referring to the statute named after Aliyah Braden, a 17-month-old toddler killed by a drunken driver who ran a red light in Kailua-Kona on May 23, 2009. “… That’s based on where it’s parked, if there’s someone else in the car who’s not intoxicated, or he’s able to get someone to come down and pick up the car. It varies depending on the circumstance.”
According to the archdiocese website, Levada, a Long Beach, Calif., native, was ordained a priest in the Los Angeles Archdiocese in 1961.
The Associated Press contributed to this story.
Email John Burnett at jburnett@hawaiitribune-herald.com.
U.S. cardinal, former head of Vatican’s doctrine-enforcing arm, is charged with drunken driving
By Michelle Boorstein
The Washington Post,  August 25 at 3:25 PM  
 Cardinal William Levada gestures during a media conference on Feb. 25, 2013, at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park, Calif. (Ben Margot/AP)
One of the Catholic Church’s most senior U.S. leaders, who recently led the Vatican’s doctrine-enforcing arm, was arrested and charged with drunken driving after police said his car was swerving about midnight on a Hawaii highway.
Cardinal William Levada, 79, was stopped late Thursday in Kailua-Kona on the Big Island, the Hawaii Tribune-Herald reported Monday. Levada, who was archbishop of San Francisco from 1995 to 2005, was charged with driving under the influence and released from custody after posting $500 bail, the Tribune-Herald reported.
Cardinal William Levada (Hawaii Police Department) Cardinal William Levada (Hawaii Police Department)
Michael Brown, spokesman of the San Francisco archdiocese, sent this statement Tuesday to the Post: “I regret my error in judgment. I intend to continue fully cooperate with the authorities.”
From May 2005 until 2012 the California native was the prefect, or head, of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which was created in the 1500s to defend Catholicism from heresy. Today, according to the Vatican’s Web site, its role is to “promote and safeguard the doctrine on the faith and morals throughout the Catholic world.” Levada was appointed to the position by Pope Benedict XVI.
Brown declined to answer questions about Levada’s activities that night, saying only that he was “on vacation with priest friends.” He has a court date of Sept. 24 and is required to appear.
The Tribune-Herald quoted an unnamed police spokeswoman as saying Levada was pulled over after a Kona patrol officer saw his car swerve while he was driving northbound on Queen Kaahumanu Highway north of Kealakehe Parkway. He was alone in the car at the time, the spokeswoman said. She declined to release Levada’s blood alcohol content to the Tribune-Herald, but a 0.08 blood alcohol level is the threshold for legal intoxication while driving in Hawaii.

Brown wrote to the Post that if the incident was simply “a lapse in judgement, the matter would probably be considered less serious. If the matter seemed to indicate a more serious problem, this would be treated more seriously.  This would be true at all employee levels.”

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