27 jul 2015

Increíble...que se difunda esta información sin sustento....

Increíble...que se difunda esta información sin sustento.,sin ninguna prueba, imagen o fuente identificable.
No me imagino a un grupo de gobernadores de todos los partidos recibiendo línea de Guzmán Loera.
Es un reportaje para hacer un filme holywoodense. Parece broma pero está firmada por Wayne Madsen un reportero que fue funcionario de la National Security Agency (NSA), se convirtió en periodista investigador especializado en el espionaje electrónico, posteriormente en el espionaje en general. 

Fue jefe de sección en la revista francesa Intelligence Online hasta que esta fue comprada por el diario francés Le Monde. Actualmente él mismo publica la Wayne Madsen Report e interviene regularmente en la televisión rusa internacional Russia Today emitiendo en inglés.  Alfredo Jalife lo cita regularmente en sus textos..
 De acuerdo con una investigación del periodista estadounidense Joaquín Guzmán Loera habría sido invitado de honor a una reunión con varios gobernadores celebrada en Mazatlán en 2011,
La fuente del investigador, que en ese momento estaba de visita en el  Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay en Mazatlán, dijo que a finales de junio de 2011 los huéspedes del lugar lo encontraron lleno de “policías federales” portando rifles AK-44, también llamados “cuerno de chivo” y varias camionetas Hummer color negro a la entrada.

“WMR’s source, who was visiting the posh Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay resort in Mazatlan, stated that in late June, 2011 guests of the hotel arrived to find Federal police armed with AK-47 assault rifles and black Humvees ringing the grounds and the entrance gate“
Dicen que lo  agentes revisaban a todo aquel que ingresaba al hotel. 
Ah y en el lobby del edificio, el informante notó un considerable grupo de hombres de “porte distinguida”, vistiendo trajes y uno de ellos, alto y de apariencia amenazante era claramente el centro de la atención. El hombre era, según Wayne Madsen, Mario López Valdez, gobernador panista del estado de Sinaloa.
El informante tuvo acceso a la reunión, en la cual no se permitían fotógrafos debido a uno de los invitados, que se observaba entre los gobernadores.
Para los asistentes es fácil saber quien era.
Dice la información que sentado a un lado de la piscina, estaba Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán. E
n un principio, el informante no notó que era “El Chapo”, de quien dijo se comportó como un “perfecto caballero y fue muy amistoso”, además de que afirmó que tenía negocios en Houston y una residencia en Texas, señaló.
¡Increíble! que nadie haya visto eso!
¡Parece periodismo de ficción!
Además de estar con López Valdez, “El Chapo” convivió según el informante con gobernadores como Carlos Lozano de la Torre, de Aguascalientes; Marcos Alberto Covarrubias Villaseñor, de Baja California Sur; Fernando Ortega Bernés de Campeche; Cesar Duarte Jaquez, de Chihuahua; Mario Anguiano Moreno de Colima; Jorge Herrera Caldera, de Durango; Ángel Heladio Aguirre Rivero, Guerrero; José Francisco Olvera Ruiz de Hidalgo; Rodrigo Medina, de Nuevo León; Gabino Cué Monteagudo de Oaxaca; Rafael Moreno Valle de Puebla; José Eduardo Calzada Rovirosa de Queretaro; Roberto Borge Angulo, de Quintana Roo; Fernando Toranzo Fernández de San Luis Potosi; Guillermo Padrés Elías de Sonora; Egidio Torre Cantú, de Tamaulipas, Mariano González Zarur de Tlaxcala; Javier Duarte de Ochoa de Veracruz; y Miguel Alejandro Alonso Reyes, de Zacatecas.
El informante asegura que de acuerdo con lo que platicó con los asistentes a la reunión, muchos de los gobernadores agradecían el dinero que “El Chapo” mantenía en circulación en sus estados.
En efecto, hubo una reunión en Mazatlán en el Esmerad bay con varios gobernadores pero no con todos los que dice el reportero norteamericano...sólo asistieron los del corredor norte a saber:  Jorge Herrera Caldera, de Durango; Miguel Alonso Reyes de Zacatecas; César Durarte Jáquez de Chihuahua y Egidio Torre Cantú de Tamaulipas.

Hay una foto con los gobernadores en el camión del gobierno del Estado.
La columna Brecha de Antonio Quevedo Susunaga en Noroeste ,del 23 de junio de 2011, dice justamente que “El gobernador Mario López Valdez está preparando todo para recibir a los gobernadores que estarán el próximo viernes en Mazatlán, en la junta de Conago…“
Dos dias despues Toño Quevedo escribió:
“El gobernador Mario López Valdez tiene razón en asegurar que para alcanzar éxito en el Corredor Económico del Norte, antes deberán lograr el desarrollo del puerto mazatleco que será la referencia obligada, como punto de partida comercial y lugar de llegada del turismo nacional e internacional….“
“Los gobernadores Jorge Herrera Caldera, de Durango; de Zacatecas, Miguel Alonso Reyes; de Chihuahua, César Durarte Jáquez; y Egidio Torre Cantú, de Tamaulipas, están pensando que con esta nueva vía se abre una extraordinaria posibilidad de relación comercial, turística y tecnológico con todas estas entidades, dado que habrá una mayor facilidad en las comunicaciones terrestres, que significa un ahorro considerable de muchos kilómetros.“
La web Viva La Noticia…de Promomedios Sinaloa publicó el 27 de julio de 2015 que en efecto por esas fechas -22 al 24 de junio- hubo una reunión de varios gobernadores…y representantes de mandatarios de diversos estados, principalmente los del Corredor Económico del Norte, incluyendo Zacatecas.
 La reunión fue un evento de una comisión de la Conferencia Nacional de Gobernadores que no está registrado como reunión de la Conago, pero de acuerdo a los registros el encuentro se realizó del 22 al 24 de junio y solamente fue un medio el que publicó en ese tiempo, pero la difundió hasta el 25 de junio.
El periódico Noroeste ( y la columna de Toño Quevedo, tambien) publicó que los gobernadores y representantes se trasladaron el 24 de junio al Centro de Convenciones, pero los días 22 y 23 sí hubo reuniones privadas entre los mandatarios, a las que no tuvieron acceso los medios de comunicación.“
El periodista norteamericano tiene una fuente que dice estuvo ahí, y vio cosas…, pero no nos preesenta pruebas ni el nombre de su fuente..quiza fue alguien de la inteligencia norteamericana.
A veces inventas cosas, la  verdad el reportaje de Madsen suena a ficción.
Le daré seguimiento.
Por cierto ningún periodico serio reproduce el texto de  Wayne Madsen.
Reunión de la Conago en 2013
Dos años despues, en agosto de 2013 hubo una reunión de toda la Conago en Mazatlán y el hotel sede fue el Esmeradl bay. , y hubo muchos fotógrafos, y periodistas invitados…
La noche del 19 de agosto hubo una cena con todos los gobernadores; asistieron 31 gobernadores, él unico que faltó fue Aguirre Rivero de Guerrero.
El Gobernador de Campeche niega participación en cónclave
Nota de ROSA SANTANA de la agencia APRO (Proceso)..., 27 DE JULIO DE 2015 
CAMPECHE, Camp. (apro).- El gobernador Fernando Ortega Bernés negó “categórico” haber asistido al presunto cónclave que, según el periodista estadunidense Wayne Madsen, sostuvo un grupo de mandatarios estatales con Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán en un lujoso hotel de Mazatlán, Sinaloa, en 2011.
 “Se habla efectivamente en esa nota, que ha sido reproducida por varios medios locales y nacionales, de una reunión que desde luego nunca existió, categóricamente lo afirmo, y seguramente no descarto que la Conago en su momento haga algún pronunciamiento al respecto”, dijo.
 “Me parece, lo reitero, que la Conago seguramente en su momento habrá de hacer y de fijar un posicionamiento al respecto, porque me consta que todos los gobernadores en forma unánime estamos preocupados por este tipo de señalamientos que con gran facilidad alguien puede formular”, recalcó.

 “Y enfáticamente lo señalo: que no solamente es en mi caso, sino que estoy absolutamente convencido de que nunca hay que aprovechar circunstancias difíciles como las que hay para construir historias sin fundamento”, atajó Ortega Bernés.
Este es el reportaje en ingles
Mexican governors met with El Chapo off-the-record
Report: Escaped Drug Lord "El Chapo" Helped by Mexican Government
Joaquin Guzman Loera, also known as “El Chapo” (“Shorty”), the feared and elusive chieftain of the Mexican Sinaloa narcotics cartel, was a guest of honor at the 2011 Mexican state governors’ conference held in Mazatlan, according to a well-placed source who contacted the Wayne Madsen Report.
On July 11, 2015, the drug kingpin escaped for the second time from Altiplano prison, a supposedly maximum-security facility located west of Mexico City. El Chapo’s escape came 13 years after he escaped from another maximum security prison, Puente Grande, in Jalisco state. In both cases, El Chapo had help from the inside.
When El Chapo was incarcerated at Puente Grande, he was actually using the prison to run his worldwide drug trafficking empire. The entire prison staff was on El Chapo’s payroll and his easy escape in 2001 was reportedly arranged by then-President Vicente Fox in exchange for a hefty bribe.
WMR’s source, who was visiting the posh Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay resort in Mazatlan, stated that in late June, 2011 guests of the hotel arrived to find Federal police armed with AK-47 assault rifles and black Humvees ringing the grounds and the entrance gate. The police checked all who entered the hotel. Upon entering the lobby, our source noticed a large group of distinguished looking men in suits with one of them, a tall and menacing-looking man, clearly the center of attention.
The man who was attracting all of the attention was the governor of Sinaloa state, Mario López Valdez of the National Action Party (PAN). Ironically, the man who Lopez Valdez defeated in 2010, Jesus Vizcarra Calderon of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), was linked to the Sinaloa Cartel, particularly Ismael Zambada García, who is on the FBI’s “Most Wanted List” and runs Sinaloa drug smuggling operations in Sinaloa and Durango in western Mexico, in addition to Quintana Roo and Cancun on the east coast and Nuevo Leon in the northeast, near Texas.
Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist who consistently exposes cover-ups from deep within government. Want to be the first to learn the latest scandal? Click on the banner above and subscribe today!
Sinaloa, where Mazatlan is located, is El Chapo’s home turf. Our source also noticed that a Mexican Navy warship was anchored just offshore from the hotel. It turns out our source walked right into a meeting of the Mexican state governors. Photographs were not permitted in the hotel during the governors’ conference. One of the reasons for the no photo policy was the alleged presence of one guest who our source spotted among the governors. Sitting poolside at the hotel was none other than Joaquin Guzman Loera, the feared El Chapo. Our source, who did not know at first who the man was, claimed that El Chapo was the perfect gentleman and very friendly. El Chapo stated to our source that he had business dealings in Houston and owned a house in Texas.
In addition to rubbing shoulders with the governor of Sinaloa, El Chapo spent his time at the Mazatlan conference with other current incumbent Mexican state governors, including Carlos Lozano de la Torre of Aguascalientes, Marcos Alberto Covarrubias Villaseñor of Baja California Sur, Fernando Ortega Bernés of Campeche, Cesar Horacio Duarte Jaquez of Chihuahua, Mario Anguiano Moreno of Colima, Jorge Herrera Caldera of Durango, Ángel Heladio Aguirre Rivero of Guerrero, José Francisco Olvera Ruiz of Hidalgo, Rodrigo Medina de la Cruz of Nuevo Leon, Gabino Cué Monteagudo of Oaxaca, Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas of Puebla, José Eduardo Calzada Roviros of Queretaro, Roberto Borge Angulo of Quintana Roo, Fernando Toranzo Fernández of San Luis Potosi, Guillermo Padrés Elías of Sonora, Egidio Torre Cantú of Tamaulipas, Mariano González Zarur of Tlaxcala, Javier Duarte de Ochoa of Veracruz, and Miguel Alejandro Alonso Reyes of Zacatecas.
Oddly, the website of the Conferencia Nacional de Gobernadores (CONAGO) states that only two governors’ conferences were held in 2011, one in Monterrey on May 27, 2011 and another on December 6, 2011 in Mexico City. There is no mention of an official conference being held in Mazatlan in June of that year. However, during the previous year, 2010, three governors’ conferences were officially held in March in Morelia, in June in Ciudad Victoria, and November in Veracruz. In 2013, there was a CONAGO conference in Mazatlan. The venues were shared between the Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay resort and the Mazatlan International Center. The 2011 governors’ conclave in Mazatlan appears to have been off-the-record as far as CONAGO is concerned.
Our source claimed that conversations with those attending the conference revealed that many of the governors appreciated the money that the Sinaloa Cartel chieftain keeps in circulation in their states. For tourist magnet states like Sinaloa, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Baja California Sur, Baja California, and Veracruz, El Chapo’s drug proceeds have built a number of swank hotels and posh resorts that have brought even more money into these states from abroad.
Mexican Navy warship off Pueblo Bonita Emerald Bay resort during secretive Mexican state governors conference in June 2011. One of the guests was El Chapo, who was supposedly wanted by Mexican federal police after his first escape from prison in 2001.
Mexican Navy warship off Pueblo Bonita Emerald Bay resort during secretive Mexican state governors conference in June 2011. One of the guests was El Chapo, who was supposedly wanted by Mexican federal police after his first escape from prison in 2001.
Two former governors of Tamaulipas, near the Texas border — Tomas Yarrington and Eugenio Hernandez Flores — are fugitives from U.S. law enforcement for their assistance to Mexican drug cartels. Both remain free in Mexico and charge they are the targets of an American political operation.
There should be little wonder over El Chapo’s constant escapes from prison. With at least two Mexican presidents and a dozen-and-a-half state governors in his hip pocket, El Chapo appears invulnerable to prison sentences, capture, and extradition to the United States. Before his second arrest in February 2014, El Chapo has been the veritable artful dodger, evading every attempt by Mexican and U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents to capture him. His arrest in Mazatlan in 2014 was the result of OPERATION GARGOYLE, a joint effort by the Mexican Marines (SEMAR) and the U.S. DEA. It has now been revealed that shortly after his arrest in February 2014, his criminal cartel began building a well-lit and well-ventilated tunnel from a house one mile away that connected to El Chapo’s prison cell. The Sinaloa cartel pioneered the construction of similar smuggling tunnels under the U.S.-Mexican border, which are reported to have numbered over a hundred.
Attempts by the United States to extradite El Chapo to the United States have met with constant failure. There is renewed speculation that, as with his first escape from the maximum security prison, El Chapo’s most recent escape was accomplished with the cooperation of the Mexican president, in this case, Peña Nieto. There is a fear within the Mexican government that any extradition of El Chapo to the United States might result in his implicating senior Mexican officials, including Presidents Nieto and Fox, in the drug trade, in return for a lenient sentence. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is also opposed to extraditing El Chapo to the United States because of his vast knowledge of CIA links to drug and weapons smuggling carried out by the Sinaloa Cartel.
El Chapo has been indicted for drug trafficking by seven U.S. states: Arizona, California, Texas, Illinois, New York, Florida, and New Hampshire. El Chapo reportedly told the Mexican Marines who captured him in 2014 that he has personally killed as many as 3,000 people, a drop in the bucket considering that inter-drug gang violence has killed as many as 80,000 people over the past decade. Many of them have died from horrible homicides, including decapitation and being burned to death.
In 1993, a bitter feud between El Chapo’s Sinaloa Cartel and the rival Tijuana Cartel resulted in a pitched gun battle between the two groups at Guadalajara International Airport. Murdered in the gunfire was the Archbishop of Guadalajara, Cardinal Juan Jesus Posado Ocampos, who was mistaken by Tijuana Cartel assassins as El Chapo.
There is good reason to believe that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms’s Operation Fast and Furious, which saw U.S. automatic weapons being smuggled across the border into Mexico and into the hands of the Sinaloa, as well as Sinaloa’s rivals, the Zetas and Knights Templar Cartels, was part of a covert U.S. political and economic destabilization program designed to deliver Mexico’s state-owned PEMEX oil company into private American hands.
Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay Resort in Mazatlan, site of the June 2011 Mexican state governors' conference, which was also allegedly attended by current "fugitive" Joaquin Guzman Loera, also known as "El Chapo."
Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay Resort in Mazatlan, site of the June 2011 Mexican state governors’ conference, which was also allegedly attended by current “fugitive” Joaquin Guzman Loera, also known as “El Chapo.”
In every case when El Chapo has eluded Mexican and U.S. counter-narcotics forces, he has escaped to his native Sierra Madre Occidental mountains, a range that offers terrain perfect for hiding from search units. El Chapo has also proven extremely adept at using encryption, hopping WiFi hot spots, and anonymous remailers to prevent his communications and locations from being identified by the National Security Agency regional signals intelligence center in San Antonio, Texas.
While the NSA has had problems locating and tracking El Chapo, the same cannot be said for the CIA. On September 28, 2007, WMR reported on the crash of a CIA contractor Gulfstream jet carrying 3.3 metric tons of cocaine from Colombia to El Chapo’s Sinaloa Cartel in Cancun. The plane crashed on September 24, 2007, in the Yucatan peninsula in Quintana Roo state, near the town of Tixkoko. WMR’s report continued:
“N987SA had previously been chartered by the CIA as a rendition aircraft ferrying prisoners in and between Europe, North America, and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It has been associated with two firms previously identified as charter firms for CIA rendition flights: S/A Holdings LLC of Garden City, New York and Richmor Aviation of Hudson, New York.
While registered to Richmor, the Gulfstream was sighted at National/Adams Field in Little Rock, Arkansas on April 16, 2005. Arkansas’ Mena Airfield was the hub for CIA cocaine and weapons smuggling from Central America and Colombia during the Iran-contra operations of the 1980s, reportedly condoned by then-Vice President George H. W. Bush, CIA director William Casey, White House National Security Council official Oliver North, and Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.
First reports indicated that no bodies or passengers were found by Mexican police at the crash site. It is now reported that the pilot, Edik Munoz Sanchez, a Mexican national, was arrested, along with two other men, Dante Pat Caamal and Leonel Ayala Lopez, one of whom is reportedly a Colombian national. The cocaine was reportedly destined for Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s Sinaloa drug cartel. Guzman escaped from prison in 2001 and is one of Mexico’s most wanted drug czars.
The US Embassy in Mexico City quickly dispatched Drug Enforcement Administration agents to the crash scene to ‘exchange information’ with Mexican authorities. Prensa Latina of Cuba reported that the Mexican military blocked access to the aircraft to the DEA agents from Mexico City.
At the time of the crash, the Gulfstream was registered to Donna Blue Aircraft of Coconut Creek, Florida. The company’s two Brazilian owners are listed as Joao Luiz Malago and Eduardo Dias Guimaraes. Malago told McClatchy’s Mexico City-based correspondent that his firm sold the Gulfstream on September 16, 2007 for $2 million to two Florida businessmen, one from Miami and the other from Lakeland, Florida. The two businessmen were not identified.”
On October 1, 2007, WMR followed up on the previous report on the crashed Gulfstream. It turned out the plane, which originated from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, may have stooped off in Clearwater, Florida before departing for Colombia and Yucatan. On April 10, 2006, WMR reported:
“Mexican police, acting on a tip from INTERPOL, seized a DC-9 aircraft carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine with an estimated street value of $100 million. The DC-9 was painted in the familiar blue and white colors of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration with an official-looking seal with an American eagle bearing the inscription: ‘Sky Way Aircraft – Protection of America’s Skies.’ The registered owner of the aircraft is: Royal Sons Inc., 15875 Fairchild Drive, Clearwater, Florida.”
Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist who consistently exposes cover-ups from deep within the government. Want to be the first to learn the latest scandal? Go to WayneMadsenReport.com subscribe today!

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¿Y que dijo nuestra Presidenta sobre el cochinero de ayer en San Lázaro?

Y que dijo nuestra Presidenta Sheiubaum?, sobre el cochinero de ayer en San Lázaro… . Se lavó las manos como pilatos... Aseguró que siempre ...