Interpol entregará este jueves 15 de mayo el dictamen técnico de tres computadores que encontraron tropas colombianas en un campamento de las FARC en territorio ecuatoriano.
Los resultados de estos análisis serán entregados por el secretario general de la Interpol, Ronald Noble, a las autoridades colombianas en la sede del ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Colombia, Fernando Araújo y los directores de la Policía, general óscar Naranjo, y del Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS, inteligencia), María del Pilar Hurtado, entre otros altos cargos, serán los receptores del informe.
Un día después de la incursión militar colombiana -el 2 de marzo-, contra un campamento de las FARC en territorio de Ecuador, el general Naranjo reveló en Bogotá algunos datos hallados en los computadores, entre ellos información sobre presuntos vínculos de esa guerrilla con Gobiernos de otros países.
Los datos comprometen a los Gobiernos de Venezuela y Ecuador por su apoyo a la guerrilla de las FARC, según unos correos electrónicos hallados en esos archivos.
En la operación militar murieron 26 personas, entre Luis Édgar Devia, alias de 'Raúl Reyes', el ecuatoriano Franklin Aisalla, que era investigado por sus presuntos nexos con las FARC, cuatro mexicanos y un militar colombiano.
Las tropas decomisaron los computadores portátiles que trasladaron a territorio colombiano.Los estudios de los equipos fueron hechos por expertos en informática de Australia, Corea del Sur y Singapur, y la petición a Interpol fue elevada por Colombia, tras los reclamos de Venezuela y de Ecuador, países a los que se suman Estados Unidos y Costa Rica, entre otros, que tienen interés en los análisis.
Comunicado de INTERPOL media release14 May 2008
- UPDATE on time and location of press conference to be held in Bogota, Colombia
INTERPOL’s forensic report on FARC computers and hardware seized by Colombia to be officially released on Thursday 15 May
INTERPOL will formally present the public report and findings on its forensic examination of seized FARC computers and hardware to the Colombian authorities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Calle 10 number 5-51, Bogota, at 12:00 p.m. local time (17:00 GMT) on Thursday 15 May, immediately followed by a press conference.
Under the terms of the agreement signed with Colombia in Bogota on Wednesday 12 March, INTERPOL’s assistance included the deployment of an Incident Response Team (IRT) to Bogota to obtain mirror images of the content data of the three laptop computers, three USB thumb keys and two external hard disks in order to carry out an independent computer forensic technical examination of that content data.
The remit of the IRT was exclusively computer forensic analysis in nature and did not include the analysis of any content of the word documents, videos, images or other material retrieved from the seized computers and hardware.
Following the formal handover to Colombia, the public report including its key findings will also be published on INTERPOL’s website,
INTERPOL has not discussed and will not discuss its findings or the content of the report before they are presented to the Colombian authorities. Comments in the media as to the nature of INTERPOL’s findings before these are handed over on 15 May therefore remain speculative.
INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble, Chairman of INTERPOL's Computer Forensic Experts Group, Bernhard Otupal, Director of Colombia’s Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS), Maria del Pilar Hurtado Afanador, and Director General of the Colombian National Police, Brigadier General Oscar Adolfo Naranjo Trujillo, will take part in the press conference in Bogota immediately following the handover of the report.
All enquiries regarding accreditation and access to the report handover and press conference should be directed to the Chief Press Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Giovanni Celis tel: +57 1 566 20 08 or email:
INTERPOL’s forensic report on FARC computers and hardware seized by Colombia to be officially released on Thursday 15 May
INTERPOL will formally present the public report and findings on its forensic examination of seized FARC computers and hardware to the Colombian authorities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Calle 10 number 5-51, Bogota, at 12:00 p.m. local time (17:00 GMT) on Thursday 15 May, immediately followed by a press conference.
Under the terms of the agreement signed with Colombia in Bogota on Wednesday 12 March, INTERPOL’s assistance included the deployment of an Incident Response Team (IRT) to Bogota to obtain mirror images of the content data of the three laptop computers, three USB thumb keys and two external hard disks in order to carry out an independent computer forensic technical examination of that content data.
The remit of the IRT was exclusively computer forensic analysis in nature and did not include the analysis of any content of the word documents, videos, images or other material retrieved from the seized computers and hardware.
Following the formal handover to Colombia, the public report including its key findings will also be published on INTERPOL’s website,
INTERPOL has not discussed and will not discuss its findings or the content of the report before they are presented to the Colombian authorities. Comments in the media as to the nature of INTERPOL’s findings before these are handed over on 15 May therefore remain speculative.
INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble, Chairman of INTERPOL's Computer Forensic Experts Group, Bernhard Otupal, Director of Colombia’s Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS), Maria del Pilar Hurtado Afanador, and Director General of the Colombian National Police, Brigadier General Oscar Adolfo Naranjo Trujillo, will take part in the press conference in Bogota immediately following the handover of the report.
All enquiries regarding accreditation and access to the report handover and press conference should be directed to the Chief Press Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Giovanni Celis tel: +57 1 566 20 08 or email: