Dura crítica a Cristina Fernández, el Post la acusa de ignorante en un editorial.
El diario The Washington Post criticó este miércoles 26 de diciembre a la presidenta argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner por afirmar que el caso de un maletín con 800.000 dólares es una conspiración de EE UU.
El editorial afirma que la postura de Fernández responde a su ignorancia de cómo funciona el sistema judicial norteamricano.
En el caso del maletín hallado en agosto a un venezolano-estadounidense en el aeropuerto de Buenos Aires parece indicar "que los vínculos personales (del presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez) con Fernández de Kirchner también dependen de los petrodólares" y, "no son meramente resultado de su afinidad ideológica", dice el periódico.
Señala que el gobierno de Chávez le ha comprado 4,000 millones de dólares en bonos argentinos "que son ampliamente rechazados en los mercados internacionales".
Señala que el gobierno de Chávez le ha comprado 4,000 millones de dólares en bonos argentinos "que son ampliamente rechazados en los mercados internacionales".
La reacción de la mandataria argentina "demuestra que las esperanzas de un cambio en la política exterior argentina probablemente fueron falsas. En vez de distanciarse del escándalo, ambos (la presidenta argentina y su esposo) le han hecho el coro a Chávez denunciando acusaciones escandalosas sobre 'trucos sucios' de la Casa Blanca y un supuesto plan estadounidense para subyugar a Argentina".
La reacción de Fernández de Kirchner de decir que Argentina "no es colonia" de Estados Unidos "obviamente no responde a la pregunta que se hacen muchos argentinos: -- which is whether Argentina is becoming a colony of Venezuela (¿Se está convirtiendo Argentina en una colonia de Venezuela?"), señala e editorial.
La reacción de Fernández de Kirchner de decir que Argentina "no es colonia" de Estados Unidos "obviamente no responde a la pregunta que se hacen muchos argentinos: -- which is whether Argentina is becoming a colony of Venezuela (¿Se está convirtiendo Argentina en una colonia de Venezuela?"), señala e editorial.
Texto completo
A Bagman's Tale
Did Hugo Chávez purchase the allegiance of Argentina's new president?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007; A20
IT'S LONG been well known that the close relations between Venezuela and Argentina are not the result of mere ideological affinity: Under President Hugo Chávez, Venezuela has purchased some $4 billion in Argentine bonds, bailing out a government whose paper is widely shunned in international financial markets.
Now it's emerging that Mr. Chávez's personal ties to Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner also may have been fueled with petrodollars. According to a U.S. prosecutor in Florida, Venezuela's self-styled socialist revolutionary dispatched a bagman to Buenos Aires last August with $800,000 for Ms. Kirchner's election campaign. When police seized the cash-filled suitcase, assistant U.S. attorney Thomas Mulvihill said last week, Venezuelan and Argentine authorities conspired to cover up the matter by offering the intermediary $2 million in hush money.
This seamy story is coming to light because the alleged bagman, Guido Alejandro Antonini Wilson, happens to be a dual U.S.-Venezuelan citizen with a home in Florida. After his bag was discovered at a Buenos Aires military airport on Aug. 4, Mr. Antonini began cooperating with U.S. law enforcement. Mr. Mulvihill said at a court hearing that numerous recorded conversations document the attempt by Venezuela and Argentina to silence Mr. Antonini, working through businessmen close to the Venezuelan government and a Venezuelan intelligence agent. Three Venezuelans and a Uruguayan were arrested in Florida on Dec. 12 and charged with being unregistered agents of the Venezuelan government; a fifth suspect is at large.
Ms. Fernández de Kirchner, who took office days before the arrests were made, replaced her husband, Néstor Kirchner, a populist who allowed Mr. Chávez to use Argentina as a staging point for anti-American demonstrations. Argentines and Americans who hoped the change of presidents would lead to an improvement in U.S.-Argentine relations are disappointed; some, demonstrating their ignorance of the U.S. legal system, blame the Bush administration for the results of a criminal investigation. The Kirchners' reaction shows that hopes for a change in Argentina's foreign policy were probably misplaced. Rather than distancing themselves from the scandal, both have joined Mr. Chávez in making wild charges about White House "dirty tricks" and a supposed Bush administration plot to subjugate Argentina.
"Relations with the United States are not good, and Argentina isn't a colony" of the United States, Mr. Kirchner declared last Tuesday, shortly after his wife conferred privately with Mr. Chávez. That, of course, doesn't answer the question many Argentines are asking -- which is whether Argentina is becoming a colony of Venezuela.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007; A20
IT'S LONG been well known that the close relations between Venezuela and Argentina are not the result of mere ideological affinity: Under President Hugo Chávez, Venezuela has purchased some $4 billion in Argentine bonds, bailing out a government whose paper is widely shunned in international financial markets.
Now it's emerging that Mr. Chávez's personal ties to Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner also may have been fueled with petrodollars. According to a U.S. prosecutor in Florida, Venezuela's self-styled socialist revolutionary dispatched a bagman to Buenos Aires last August with $800,000 for Ms. Kirchner's election campaign. When police seized the cash-filled suitcase, assistant U.S. attorney Thomas Mulvihill said last week, Venezuelan and Argentine authorities conspired to cover up the matter by offering the intermediary $2 million in hush money.
This seamy story is coming to light because the alleged bagman, Guido Alejandro Antonini Wilson, happens to be a dual U.S.-Venezuelan citizen with a home in Florida. After his bag was discovered at a Buenos Aires military airport on Aug. 4, Mr. Antonini began cooperating with U.S. law enforcement. Mr. Mulvihill said at a court hearing that numerous recorded conversations document the attempt by Venezuela and Argentina to silence Mr. Antonini, working through businessmen close to the Venezuelan government and a Venezuelan intelligence agent. Three Venezuelans and a Uruguayan were arrested in Florida on Dec. 12 and charged with being unregistered agents of the Venezuelan government; a fifth suspect is at large.
Ms. Fernández de Kirchner, who took office days before the arrests were made, replaced her husband, Néstor Kirchner, a populist who allowed Mr. Chávez to use Argentina as a staging point for anti-American demonstrations. Argentines and Americans who hoped the change of presidents would lead to an improvement in U.S.-Argentine relations are disappointed; some, demonstrating their ignorance of the U.S. legal system, blame the Bush administration for the results of a criminal investigation. The Kirchners' reaction shows that hopes for a change in Argentina's foreign policy were probably misplaced. Rather than distancing themselves from the scandal, both have joined Mr. Chávez in making wild charges about White House "dirty tricks" and a supposed Bush administration plot to subjugate Argentina.
"Relations with the United States are not good, and Argentina isn't a colony" of the United States, Mr. Kirchner declared last Tuesday, shortly after his wife conferred privately with Mr. Chávez. That, of course, doesn't answer the question many Argentines are asking -- which is whether Argentina is becoming a colony of Venezuela.
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