15 feb 2008

¿Bomba en la frontera?

El puente internacional Progreso, que une a México con Texas, quedó cerrado mientras las autoridades investigaban un sospechoso paquete encontrado en el cruce fronterizo.
El vocero del servicio de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza, Félix Garza, dijo que una persona telefoneó para reportar una bomba en el puente, alrededor de las 7 de la tarde del jueves.
Garza dijo que el cruce fue cerrado y no estaba seguro sobre cuándo sería abierto nuevamente.

Agregó que las autoridades no encontraron paquete alguno del lado estadounidense del puente. "Pero las autoridades mexicanas informaron que sí encontraron un paquete sospechoso", dice la edición On line de El Nuevo Herald.Garza le dijo al diario The Monitor, en McAllen, que el paquete no parecía tener nada que ver con bombas, pero estaba siendo revisado.
Esta es la nota:
Bridge reopens after bomb threat/Jeremy RoebuckFebruary 15, 2008 - 7:59AM
PROGRESO - The Progreso International Bridge reopened this morning, after a bomb threat brought traffic to a halt Thursday night. Authorities shut down the bridge just after 7 p.m., when Hidalgo County sheriff’s deputies received an anonymous phone call saying a bomb was hidden nearby, said Felix Garza, a local spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Officers found nothing on the U.S. side of the bridge after a sweep of the area. Mexican authorities, however, said they had found a suspicious package. “The package does not look like anything having to do with bombs or anything, but they’re taking a look at it,” Garza said Thursday night. By Friday morning, Garza had not heard back from Mexican authorities on whether the package posed a threat to bridge traffic, but assumed it did not. “I would have heard something by now if there was something there,” he said. As of 7 a.m., traffic at the bridge was moving smoothly with a 15 minute delay for drivers headed south. Investigators continue to search for who phoned the bomb threat in. Jeremy Roebuck covers courts and general assignments for The Monitor. He can be reached at (956) 683-4437.

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