9 ene 2007

Alentadores los operativos: EE UU

EE UU calificó hoy como "alentadores" los operativos militares contra el narcotráfico en México realizados por el gobierno del presidente Calderón y prometió mantener la cooperación con ese país.

El Gobierno de EE UU expresó este martes su apoyo a la ofensiva que las fuerzas de seguridad de México han lanzado contra las redes de narcotraficantes en las regiones de Tijuana y Michoacán.
En su rueda de prensa diaria, el portavoz del Departamento de Estado, Sean McCormack, afirmó que es “muy alentador” que el Gobierno de México “dé pasos para ir tras aquellos cuyas redes son responsables del narcotráfico”. “Hemos colaborado mucho con el Gobierno mexicano en el pasado en esfuerzos para desarticular esas redes, ayudarles a impedir cualquier actividad ilegal en las que éstas puedan verse implicadas”, recordó McCormack y agrego que esa cooperación continuará “durante el mandato de Felipe Calderón”
Parte de la conferencia de prensa:
QUESTION: -Sean, on Mexico. As you know, President Calderon, after ten days of taking position, he launched an amazing military operations against drug smuggling. Now they are working along the border in Tijuana area. How the U.S. is seeing that operation and what it's doing to prevent that many criminals just come across the United States trying to escape the Mexican authorities?

MR. MCCORMACK: Well, it's certainly very encouraging that the Mexican Government is taking steps to go after those networks that are responsible for the smuggling of drugs. And we all know that around those networks there's always also a great deal of violence that grows up around them. So it is very encouraging. We certainly have worked very cooperatively with the Mexican Government in the past on efforts to break up these rings, prevent -- help try to prevent any illegal activities that they may be engaged in. So I would expect that that cooperation carries over into the Calderon administration. I know that when he was here, President Calderon talked about the fact that this was an important priority for him and for his administration, and we look forward to working with him and his government on it.
QUESTION: Are you concerned that maybe they try to escape to the U.S.? I mean, are you taking some precautions along the border to prevent --

MR. MCCORMACK: You would have to talk to our officials over at Department of Homeland Security and perhaps in the local and state law enforcement along those border states

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