9 jul 2009

Legionarios de Cristo

El 15 de julio iniciará la visita apostólica a la Legión de Cristo
El cardenal Bertone informa sobre los nombres de los cinco obispos
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO, jueves, 9 de julio de 2009 (
ZENIT.org).- La Santa Sede ha informado oficialmente a la congregación de los Legionarios de Cristo que la anunciada visita apostólica comenzará el próximo 15 de julio.
Asimismo, el cardenal Tarcisio Bertone S.D.B, secretario de Estado, ha comunicado al padre Álvaro Corcuera, director general de la Legión de Cristo, los nombres de los cinco obispos y las áreas geográficas en las que por encargo del Papa realizarán la visita.
--Monseñor Ricardo Watty Urquidi, M.Sp.S., obispo de Tepic (México) en México y Centroamérica.
--Monseñor Charles Joseph Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., arzobispo de Denv er (Estados Unidos) en Estados Unidos y Canadá.
--Monseñor Giuseppe Versaldi, obispo de Alessandria (Italia) en Italia, Israel, Corea y Filipinas.
--Monseñor Ricardo Ezzati Andrello, S.D.B., arzobispo de Concepción (Chile) en Sudamérica.
--Monseñor Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, obispo de Bilbao (España) en Europa (con excepción de Italia).
Según explica la página web de la
Legión de Cristo, al transmitir estas disposiciones a todos los miembros de la congregación, el padre Corcuera invitó "a que agradezcamos a Dios y a la Iglesia esta ayuda que nos ofrece el Santo Padre y a que acojamos a los visitadores en todas y cada una de nuestras comunidades con sincera caridad y fe como representantes del Vicario de Cristo".
Según informa la página web, "los visitadores desarrollarán su labor, según el calendario y programa que establecerá cada uno de ellos. Al concluir, entregarán un informe a la Santa Sede que emanará las oportunas disposiciones para la congregación".
El cardenal Bertone había anunciado con una carta, fechada el 10 de marzo, la visita apostólica, sin ofrecer todavía los nombres de los visitadores ni la fecha de inicio.
La misiva del purpurado tenía lugar después de que en el pasado mes de febrero la congregación confirmó que en la vida de su fundador, el padre Marcial Maciel, había hechos gravemente
Legionaries of Christ Thursday, 9 july 2009
Apostolic Visitation Begins July 15th
The Holy See has notified the Legionaries of Christ of the names of the five bishops who will be carrying out the apostolic visitation.
Apostolic Visitation Begins July 15th
The Holy See has notified the Legionaries of Christ of the names of the five bishops who will be carrying out the apostolic visitation.
July 8, 2009. Rome, Italy. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of
State for His Holiness, has officially informed Father Álvaro Corcuera,
LC, the general director of the Legion of Christ, that
announced apostolic visitation to the congregation will begin
on July 15th. Five visitors will carry out the visit:• Bishop
Ricardo Watty Urquidi, M.Sp.S., Bishop of Tepic (Mexico) in Mexico
and Central America.Archbishop Charles Joseph Chaput, O.F.M., Archbishop of Denver
(USA) in the United States and Canada.Bishop Giuseppe Versaldi, Bishop
of Alessandria (Italy) in Italy, Israel, South Korea, and the
Philippines. Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello, S.D.B., Archbishop of Concepción (Chile) in
South America.Bishop Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, Bishop of Bilbao (Spain) in
Europe (with the exception of Italy).When sharing this news with
all of the members of the congregation, Father Álvaro Corcuera
said, “I invite all of us to give thanks to
God and to the Church for the help that the
Holy Father is offering us, and to welcome the visitors
to each and every one of our communities with sincere
charity and faith as representatives of the Vicar of Christ.”The
visitors will carry out their work according to the calendar and
program that each one will set. Afterwards, they will hand
over a report to the Holy See, which will then
give the congregation the appropriate guidelines.We ask all of our
readers and friends to pray for the mission of the
visitors and for the Legionaries of Christ. -->
July 8, 2009. Rome, Italy. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State for His Holiness, has officially informed Father Álvaro Corcuera, LC, the general director of the Legion of Christ, that the
announced apostolic visitation to the congregation will begin on July 15th.
Five visitors will carry out the visit:
• Bishop Ricardo Watty Urquidi, M.Sp.S., Bishop of Tepic (Mexico) in Mexico and Central America.
Archbishop Charles Joseph Chaput, O.F.M., Archbishop of Denver (USA) in the United States and Canada.
Bishop Giuseppe Versaldi, Bishop of Alessandria (Italy) in Italy, Israel, South Korea, and the Philippines.
Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello, S.D.B., Archbishop of Concepción (Chile) in South America.
Bishop Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, Bishop of Bilbao (Spain) in Europe (with the exception of Italy).
When sharing this news with all of the members of the congregation, Father Álvaro Corcuera said, “I invite all of us to give thanks to God and to the Church for the help that the Holy Father is offering us, and to welcome the visitors to each and every one of our communities with sincere charity and faith as representatives of the Vicar of Christ.”
The visitors will carry out their work according to the calendar and program that each one will set. Afterwards, they will hand over a report to the Holy See, which will then give the congregation the appropriate guidelines.
We ask all of our readers and friends to pray for the mission of the visitors and for the Legionaries of Christ. DATE OF PUBLICATION : 08 july 2009

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